Hey Doll, You’re Pretty Special!

“I’d always loved making dolls/toys, so I decided to combine my love for creating and helping others. I began giving dolls/toys to local police/fire stations, children’s hospitals, emergency rooms, domestic violence/ homeless shelters, etc, so the kids would have something comforting to hold on to. Recently, my journey changed direction when I joined Instagram and people began to see my dolls. Soon I had a few requests to make my dolls available to the public. I honored those requests, but still wanted to give to my charities as well. So, I switched the way I gave to charities. This allowed me to donate specific things requested, as well as dolls, clothes, and monetary donations. Then my journey changed again. I found that I was able to create special brown dolls for brown girls all over who wanted a doll that looked a little more like them. Making dolls for little brown girls has become, as big a reason for my dolls, as bringing a smile to a person’s face. It’s been the struggle for generations of little brown girls, to not only have a doll that looks anything like them, but to have pride in and be excited to have a doll of color. For as long as I can remember, brown dolls have been unavailable, limited, or not as beautiful as dolls of a fairer complexion. For generations, little brown girls have suffered with wanting to be something they are not and not seeing the beauty reflected in their mirror. I only hope to make a small difference. Maybe the commercial market will finally get it!
Along with joining Instsgram, there was a brown skin doll with braids and beads, that I made several months ago, that also helped change everything for me and made me see that I ( my dolls) could make a small difference. A young lady that I know to have struggled dearly with her dark brown skin and kinky hair, looked at this doll and said ” she looks like me when I was little and she’s BEAUTIFUL !” She has been proud of her dark brownskin ever since. She has looked at herself and other girls like her in a far better light, even finally seeing her beauty for what it is. FINALLY!!!! It was a POWERFUL and EMOTIONAL moment and one that changed my path forever!
I’ve always made diverse dolls, this just showed me how powerful a doll could be! Now it’s my goal to make each one more beautiful and diverse then the last”.
ODH: You can do anything you set your mind to. Strength, passion, and perseverance are necessary to achieve any goal.
As well as, have the drive to get the job done no matter what. The word NO isn’t even in my vocabulary!